About Us

Hey There! I’m F. Sultana, the Founder Of AUTOINSIDERX

My journey in automotive writing spans over 5 fantastic years, and it’s been one heck of a ride.

I’ve had the chance to team up with some big names in the industry, sharing my two cents on automotive news and trends.

As your friendly Automotive Author, I’m all about making the complexities of vehicle ownership a breeze.

This is my mission to sprinkle y’all with amazing insights on vehicles, making your automotive adventures not just smooth but downright enjoyable.

Don’t forget to follow me!

F Sultana
Founder and Author at AutoInsiderX

My journey in automotive writing spans over 5 fantastic years, and it’s been one heck of a ride.

I’ve had the chance to team up with some big names in the industry, sharing my two cents on automotive news and trends.

As your friendly Automotive Author, I’m all about making the complexities of vehicle ownership a breeze.

This is my mission to sprinkle y’all with amazing insights on vehicles, making your automotive adventures not just smooth but downright enjoyable.

Don’t forget to follow me!

The Thought that Sparked AUTOINSIDERX!

Simply living my life and reveling in my love for writing about automobiles, I delightedly embraced the opportunity to explore a world of expertise beyond my own. From uncovering practical tips to gaining deep insights into vehicle maintenance and repair, I’ve immersed myself in the shared wisdom of fellow auto enthusiasts across numerous popular platforms.

I adore this new era of empowering everyday vehicle owners with the know-how to care for their automobiles effectively, bridging the gap between professionals and enthusiasts.

But as I got deeper into this world, I started noticing something.

Sure, many common issues like oil change frequency or identifying strange engine sounds were covered well. But what about those very specific queries? For example, the 50 state emissions for Toyota confusion that many owners have. Or perhaps the method to disable door ajar alert on a less popular year of Ford F-150.

These are not common problems and something you’ll find less discussed. Sure, there are some forums and brief videos that touch on these topics. But often, these issues or confusions faced by vehicle owners need in-depth expert answers and broader coverage.

That’s why I believed it was necessary to address these lesser-known, not-so-surface-level issues. We need comprehensive blogs and content that people can easily understand, digest, and use to solve their unique vehicle-related problems.

That realization led me to gather a fantastic team that shared the same passion and vision.

I Didn't Do This Alone, and Honestly, I Couldn't Have.

I brought together a group of amazing individuals who are equally excited about making auto knowledge accessible. For us, it’s not just a job; it’s a passion project. We’re on a mission to simplify the complexities of vehicles, making them understandable for everyone.

Here at AUTOINSIDERX, we are working tirelessly to cover these less-talked-about, not-so-surface-level issues comprehensively.

Outside of this auto world, I’m a bit of a content junkie. Researching, writing, editing – it’s my jam. So, that’s the story!

Hop in the driver’s seat with the crew at AutoInsiderX, where we’re diving headfirst into the auto universe. From nifty maintenance tips to the freshest updates on various models, we’re here to navigate the automotive landscape together. Let’s uncover the sheer joy that lies in every twist and turn of this four-wheeled adventure! 🚗✨

Stay tuned for our latest updates! Follow us on our other social platforms to stay in the loop.